Free Purchase Order Templates

Compare the experience of completing a purchase order template in Excel vs. a mobile-friendly, online, customizable form.

With an online form, you can digitize your purchase order process, including e-signatures, integrations with SQL databases, and automated workflows and routing.

Simple Purchase Order Process routes for approvals

This is a common, relatively simple Purchase Order process. It includes a purchase order form that automatically fills in employee information, calculates subtotals and the grand total, allows users to attach files and sign electronically. The form is first filled in by an employee, then sent to his/her manager for approval. After the manager approves, it is sent to the finance department for payment. After the workflow completes, it generates a PDF and emails to the requesting employee.
Compare it with using Excel (or Word or PDF or even paper). Employees have to fill in basic information like their name manually, attach files, print and scan for signatures and email manually for approval. Even after it's emailed, they have to manually track it. The automated purchase order process is significantly faster.
Purchase Order Process integrated with SQL
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PO Process integrated with SQL routes dynamically

This Purchase Order process performs SQL integration as well as conditional routing. The PO form dynamically populates product pick lists from SQL and also automatically gets the MSRP for a product from the database. It also calculates subtotals and totals, pre-populates first and last names and supports signatures and attachments. As before, the form is routed from the employee to the manager. If the amount is greater than $10,000, it will route to the VP otherwise VP approval will be skipped. After everyone has approved, the workflow emails a PDF of the purchase order to the employee.
The automated process is easy to use and saves employees time compared to Excel or PDF. Consider dynamic routing. With Excel, the manager must manually follow instructions and email the document to the VP if the amount is high otherwise skip VP approval. It's guaranteed to be error prone and costly.

Simple Purchase Order Form

This is a basic Purchase Order template. The electronic version automatically pre-fills the employee's first and last names, calculates a subtotal for each row based on the quantity and unit price, computes a grand total for the PO as a whole. It also allows you to attach files and sign the PO electronically. After you submit the form, it will generate a PDF of the purchase order and send to your email address.
Compare it to Excel version. It can perform computations but that's about it. Excel doesn't pre-fill fields, must be printed for signatures, and e-mailed manually. The e-form has significant productivity advantages.
Purchase Order Process - Conditional Routing with SQL
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PO with SQL integration routes conditionally

This purchase order process integrates with SQL to pull in customer information as well as product description and MSRP. Customer billing & shipping addresses are populated from the database and product information is also pulled from SQL. With automatic calculations for subtotals and totals built in, manual data entry and errors are eliminated. Users can also sign electronically and upload attachments for supporting documentation. The process will work automatically on all mobile devices. If the discount provided exceeds a certain threshold (15%), the process enforces additional approval by the VP.
Compare it to the Excel version. Excel has MSRPs coded into it but if a product is added or the price changes, the Excel has to be updated. It also doesn't support attachments, e-signatures and sophisticated validation. The online version has major advantages.
Purchase Order Process - Conditional Routing
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Conditional Purchase Order Process routes for signatures

Conditional routing is a frequent Purchase Order process requirement. In this case, the employee fills in the form and his/her manager must first approve. However, once that approval is secured, further approval may be needed from a VP but only under certain conditions (e.g. Amount > $10,000). This template also includes a dynamic purchase order form. As before, calculations are performed automatically, the form can be electronically signed, employee information is pre-filled where possible etc. After the workflow completes, it generates a PDF and emails to the requesting employee.
Compare it with using Excel (or Word or PDF or even paper). This kind of automatic conditional routing is not possible. After the manager approves, someone has to know to send it to the VP and manually email it for approval. It's a recipe for errors.
Purchase Order Form integrated with SQL
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† To ensure SQL database security.

Purchase Order Form integrated with SQL

This is a Purchase Order form connected to a SQL database. It pulls in product names and codes from the database and populates pick lists in a table. When the user picks a product, the form retrieves the MSRP for the selected product and fills it into the correct row. The PO form also auto-populates fields, performs calculations, and supports attachments and e-signatures. After the PO is submitted, a PDF of the purchase order is sent to your email address. Of course, it's easy to turn this into a process.
The equivalent form in Excel can use macros to auto-fill the MSRP but as the product mix changes and prices are updated, the Excel must be fixed manually.

Purchase Orders are an important part of the procurement process

Purchase Orders and Purchase Requisitions are basic business forms and processes used in practically every organization to monitor, control and properly account for business expenditures. They ensure that the correct internal business protocols are followed without employees needing to manually keep track of complicated procedures. Businesses also use these processes to ensure that the purchased items are authorized, produce real business value, are being procured at the lowest possible price, and are actually delivered in a timely manner. As a result of the multiple authorizations, these forms always include signatures.

What's on a typical purchase order form?

Irrespective of the format you choose, purchase orders/requisitions generally include the following details:

  • A purchase order number and date for tracking.
  • Your corporate logo and name.
  • Company information including contact information for both the requisitioner and the vendor.
  • Information about the employee requesting the items being purchased including name, email, department etc.
  • Line items for each item being purchased e.g. part number, description, unit price, quantity etc. with subtotals, grand total, taxes & discounts.
  • Business justification for the purchases.
  • Shipping instructions, which may include a Free on Board (FOB) shipping point, or the point at which the buyer assumes responsibility for shipping costs.
  • All necessary approvals and signatures including conditional ones e.g. VP approval required for purchases > $10,000.

Excel, PDF, or paper purchase orders are error-prone and inefficient

Many organizations have not automated their basic operations. This process automation is a crucial first step to digital transformation. Consider the following differences:

  • Employees may choose the wrong version of the Excel PO – perhaps they have an old copy. An online PO is always the latest version.
  • They may not understand the instructions. Purchase orders can be complex and many Excel purchase orders have an entire sheet filled with instructions.
  • The Excel PO cannot dynamically fill in fields depending on who the logged in user is and other information that may be available online. In general, Excel has very limited dynamic behavior e.g. it can perform calculations but not dynamic show/hide depending on data in the form.
  • Integration with your SQL database or other business system is not available to Excel. For example, an online PO can integrate with SQL and pull vendor or product information such as MSRP from the database.
  • It's much harder to validate data in the Excel sheet. An online purchase order can ensure that all required fields are filled in,
  • Employees must email the Excel sheet around for approvals. It's an incredibly error-prone process. They may send it to the wrong manager, forget to get an essential approval from a VP, and even email the PO with mistakes and incomplete data. Even if it's sent to the right person, the employee cannot track it resulting in more emails, phone calls, and wasted time.
Online purchase orders have vast benefits and can deliver massive ROI, especially when they're automated using a modern, visual platform.

Why use electronic purchase order & requisition forms?

Online purchase forms have significant advantages:

  • All fields are automatically validated. This eliminates errors and missing fields, reduces time to correct these mistakes and ensures that processes complete faster.
  • Since the solution works on all smartphones and tablet computers and supports digital signatures, required authorizers can sign from anywhere and at any time. Once again, this reduces delays in procuring needed items.
  • Routing is automatically determined. Employees don't need to manually figure out next steps nor can they make mistakes. As a result, business protocols and norms cannot be bypassed either intentionally or accidentally.
  • There's also no need to manually enter data that can be pulled from employee records, inventory SQL databases and other business systems. It saves time and reduces errors.

Why automate purchase orders and purchase requisitions with frevvo?

frevvo's 100% visual, drag-and-drop workflow automation software is extremely easy to use. Non-coders can easily use it to automate purchase order and requisition processes including designing the e-forms, setting up the routing and business logic. We also provide many pre-built templates that you can install and use as starting points. Sign up for a free 30-day trial and get started today.

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